The primary focus of the center is producing relevant knowledge on forced displacement in the region.  It aims at ‘Strengthening Knowledge, Evidence Use and Leadership in the Global South on Forced Displacement by Focusing on East Africa” which is the core objective that the international Development Research Centre of Canada Supported the Establishment of the AAU Research chair. 

We have studies which are currently being conducted

The research chair is currently conducting nine studies which are listed below:

  • Needs Assessment and Stakeholders Analysis in the Forced Displacement Landscape in Ethiopia: Research, outreach and capacity building in focus
  • Forced displacement (internal displacement and refugee) in Ethiopia: A scoping review
  • Examining displacement affected communities’ livelihood and economies
  • Mental health and psychosocial problems among forcibly displaced people in Ethiopia: Development and evaluation of a psychosocial intervention
  • Inclusion of Refugees into the National System in Ethiopia: Analysis of Education Sector Policy Implementation
  • Examining conflict, climate change, and internal displacement in Ethiopia
  • Refugees in the Face of Current Conflicts in Ethiopia: Exploring Implications for Policy and Governance
  • Assessing the context of forced returnees (deportees) and local re/integration
  • Analyzing Global Refugee Policy Regime and National Refugee Governance systems in Ethiopia