Tekalign Ayalew (PhD)

Dr. Tekalign Ayalew Mengiste is Asst. Professor and senior researcher in the College of Social Sciences at Addis Ababa University. He is also associated researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University in Sweden. Dr. Tekalign has won grants and managed several research projects funded by the Swedish Research Council, Irish Research Council, Danida, IOM, ICRC, GIZ, and IGAD, UNICEF, DIIS and other state and international agencies. Dr. Tekalign is also member of many international research councils and networks such as OSSREA, ESSSWA and IMESCOE. He has researched and widely published on issues such as youth and childhood studies, forced and refugee mobility, climate change and migration, human smuggling, labor migration and gender relations. He recently published the following articles: ‘Refugee Protections from Below: Smuggling in the Eritrea-Ethiopia context’. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 676(1): 57-76 and ‘Intensifications of Border Governance and Defiant Migration Trajectories in Ethiopia’ Geopolitics, 27:5, 1352-1375.