Kiya Gezahegne (PhD)

Kiya Gezahegne is an experienced migration researcher and an assistant professor based at the Social Anthropology department at the Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. She has been involved in ethnographic researchfor over ten years on a range of migration related areas including experiences of Ethiopian migrants to and from the Middle East, migration management and livelihoods at the Ethiopia Sudan border, interlinkages between migration and poverty in Ethiopia as well as understanding migration and the labour market in Addis Ababa among other. Her research interests include international migration, refugee studies, gender policy, religious identity, borderland conflict, marginalization and slavery in the contemporary world, and adolescent wellbeing. She also lectures on the subjects. She also contributes to policy processes including the analysis of the Ethiopian National Women’s Policy. She has authored several publications related to migration including recent publication on ‘A state incorporated business: the migration economy along the Ethiopia-Sudan border town of Metema’ for the Research Evidence Facility (REF) coordinated by the SOAS University and funded by the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. Kiya has provided her services to a number of international agencies such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO), International Organisation for Migration (IOM), IDRC, UNICEF, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), as well as the Organisation for Social Science in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) among others.